It is Sunday and the day has such a different feel here (of course, that could be jet lag!). Almost all the shops are closed except an open air flower market, a tourist trinket shop and an edgy shoe store. As a result there is this wonderful sense of relaxation. Lots of Antwerpians (?) are strolling about the city but the pace is relaxed. The cafes in the plazas are full, with people sitting, “eten and drinken,” and enjoying some leisurely people-watching. I learned (and should have known) that Belgians speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch and, in the south, of course, French. I met one of the other participants, Terry, and she and I enjoyed ambling around the historic part of Antwerp. We had a beer in the plaza by the Cathedral and heard a lively cross between a high school pep band and New Orleans jazz. The guy on the cymbals really knows how to have fun! (Apologies on the poor video technique!) A long and cramped transatlantic flight and a glass of Belgian beer are having their effect after 24 hours without sleep . . .